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Here are some blogs with different catagories written by me . 

Intent in Android

A beginner guide to Intent and Intent filter in Android.

Intent is an Android Framework class that help us to switch between two activity or opening new application or app in android.


Swipe View in Android

Implements Swipe view using view pager and tab layout

Swipe View is one type of navigation in the android app. You can swipe view on WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.

The swipe view is made by 

  1. view pager 

  2. tab layout



Image Sliding Effect 

An android app effect using ViewFlipper view

You can add a sliding effect just like a website in your android app using the ViewFlipper view. Thanks to Google Android for bringing this. You can add this effect by simply add some XML code in the XML layout.

slider image.jpg

What is Logo

A brief description about logo and its clasification

There are several types of logos. So before choosing any logo for your startup or company please read the article to know about the logo. A logo is the reflection of a company.

apple logo.jpg

How to Earn Money Online

Here are some digital site to make money online during lockdown

You can earn a minimum of $300 to $400 online. There is no age limit. If your age is too young then you can make money online and if your age is too old then also you can make money online very easily.

how to earn money online.jpg
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